Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts
Hits: 4222
Bilderberg Owned Publication The Economist: Yes, Powerful "Globocrat" Elites Are Running Things, It's Not A Conspiracy
Hits: 3033
Elite Openly Flaunts Plan To Turn Cities Into High-Tech Slave Grids
Hits: 4737
Will It Be A Happy New Year For the Global Resistance Against the New World Order?
Hits: 2750
Buchanan: Climate Bill Is Transfer Of Wealth To World Government
Hits: 3562
Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after 'Danish text' leak
Hits: 3621
Listen to an incredible Speech by Dr. Horowitz
Hits: 3332
CFR-Associate: Plan for World Government Stalled
Hits: 3160
Obama To Attend North American Union Meeting
Hits: 3468
The chance for a new world order
Hits: 2641