Investigative journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, has given us bombshell report from a former Facebook employee turned whistleblower, who has now blown the lid of a programming code called ‘Deboosting’ which is actively used against conservative media outlets, in order to suppress their reach, their content and their influence on the Facebook platform.
In damning new evidence, which has always been dispelled by Facebook as being “false”, regarding the well known premise of their bias against conservatives, logical thinkers and independent free media, is now exposed for the whole world to see.
Yes, the former Facebook employee has expressively stated that the ‘deboosting’ action, is in fact implemented inside the actual coding on targeted pages, as opposed to manual work done by moderators, in order to automatically block, suppress or hoodwink conservative media’s Facebook pages and their content, to limit their reach and potential influence.
As much as people used to love Facebook, since the 2016 US election, the platform has left a bad taste in many people’s mouths, due to their obvious bias and targeting of Facebook pages related to free independent and conservative media outlets, who have been limited on their platforms for years now, which is now a known fact by the use of the Facebook ‘deboosting’ code.
Facebook is no longer the objective sharing platform that it once was, and none of this ‘deboosting’ code was ever implemented on left wing, or liberal media pages on the platform, that push the Democrat or socialist narrative, meaning the bias within Facebook towards free independent media is against the libertarian and the conservative set, and it continues limit and mark certain pagers for suppression via coded programming, whilst left wing media, Antifa pages and even pro-terrorist pages have been known to operate freely.

James O’Keefe with the help of a Facebook whistleblower has truly blown the lid off of Facebook’s conservative bias. Credit: NewsVoice
Now, let’s hope that Facebook removes these clearly unethical and unjust blockages once and for all, which were designed to limit, and influence people of how think towards only leftist ideologies, and that they can finally provide a sharing platform for all media to flourish unopposed.
As we have all known and said for a very long time, Facebook limits and blocks the reach of free thinking media, which is not aligned with the leftists ideologies, which includes that of libertarian media, conservative media and other media outlets, spreading truth that’s not seen or heard on the mainstream media. This means that those sites which are blocked, usually consist of conservative media pages, targeted with the “deboost” code, whilst content from the liberal left, to even terror content and communist sites of the left wing, to those pushing a Satanic agenda are left free to roam, as they please, since they all abide by Facebook’s community guidelines apparently.
However, we have hopes that Facebook will soon rectify this, and get with the times, lifting ‘rebooting’ code from Facebook pages, after the release of this information into the public domain via Project Veritas, or face the future consequences for their bias, if not removing the code immediately.

This Meme says it all, doesn’t it? But, is Facebook about to change their ways? Let’s see… Credit: Hiveminer
Additionally, noting the paid to boost feature on Facebook, which is previously and currently used by many media outlets, whilst at the same time being ‘deboosted’ by Facebook, creates a major conflict of interest, in that they are and have taken people’s hard earned money to advertise posts on the platform, yet, not letting content reach a real audience. This is fraudulent, and reparations should be in order.
That should be well noted, as how much time, money and reach has been lost for those pages, and should that not also be accounted for? Perhaps Facebook need to give that money back or risk major libel or litigation in the very near future?
But now, let’s get into the video content which shows and proves exactly what is mentioned here within, and let’s hope the ‘deboosting’ code is removed from the platform right away, as it’s unethical and this will surely now be the focus of plausible new government regulations on Facebook.
James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has gathered the vital evidence to bring this to the fold,however, Facebook continue to deny the conservative bias on the platform, even in the face of all this new information exposing the company for their unjust actions against independent media, especially to media being classed as conservative media.
That was interesting, wasn’t it? Yes it was, since to hear it first hand from a former Facebook employee, showing what’s really going on in San Jose, Silicon Valley, at Facebook Headquarters, with all the documentation of the actual coding to back it up, is very interesting and vital to say the least. Nice work from Project Veritas, who have previously also exposed Twitter for “shadow banning” accounts.
The Facebook whistleblower stated about the ‘deboost’ code, that: “it was clearly kind of designed… aimed to be the right-wing meme culture that’s become extremely prevalent in the past few years.”
So, let’s now get to the in-depth uncut impromptu video exposé of when James O’Keefe approaches two Facebook employees on the streets of San Francisco, who have actively implemented the ‘deboosting’ code on conservative media outlets, to really see what Danny Ben-David, Facebook’s Software Engineer, had to say about the “action deboost live distribution” code that he wrote and actioned, shall we?
How about Seiji Yamamoto, the Data Science Manager at Facebook, who didn’t look too pleased about being exposed for his role in Troll Reports, with Troll Scores listed on the fake accounts index on Facebook, as part of the ‘deboosting’ scandal, eh?
This Troll Report predominately targeted the so-called right wing terminologies of keywords, such as “MSM” and “SJW” in reference to the mainstream media and social justice warriors, phrases all associated with the leftist ideology.
Furthermore, the Troll report coding also targeted the word, “Red Pill” classing it as “destructive behaviour” even though, it points out undeniable truth in any context. Plus, the word “Kek” had also been listed in the Troll Report, along with the phrase, “Reeee” which often appears on 4chan.
Well, let’s just say that it’s only right that the leftist bias of Facebook is exposed to no end, since it is affecting everyone who’s using their platform, and we can’t say that we feel sorry for Seiji Yamamoto after being approached on the street, to answer some simple questions about his actions in willingly suppressing the accounts of independent media outlets, and suppressing the ‘freedom of speech’, which is after all, written as the 1st Amendment in the US constitution.
Now just yesterday, Facebook came with an immediate reply to Project Veritas and James O’Keefe, since clearly this news is a big deal and it could have some serious ramifications for Facebook, in the light of their now exposed hoodwinking schemes onto certain conservative pages on Facebook.
Some of the mentioned pages which were purposefully ‘deboosted’, were the pages of Mike Cernovich, Louder with Crowder and even The Daily Caller, but just imagine how many other pages, into the several thousands which have also been serviced with the “ActionDeboostLiveDistribution” code for years, to suppress and limit the reach of their free thinking or conservative aligned content, which is not tied to the leftist agenda or narrative.
For example, the Facebook whistleblower did not see the ‘deboost’ code used on The Young Turks page and or on Colin Kaepernick’s page, which are independent extreme left wing media pages, and we couldn’t imagine that Buzzfeed or The Huffington Post, would have been serviced with the same ‘deboosting’ code either… Is it maybe time for a new Mark Zuckerberg congressional hearing about the conservative bias at Facebook, in the light of this new evidence released by Project Veritas? Or will Facebook now get with the ever changing times and provide an objective social media sharing platform, which should after all, be their motto. Only time will tell, but we trust Facebook to do the right thing in this rapidly changing world, don’t you? But, we won’t hold our breath…